Tivoli OMEGACENTER Gateway

Other Names:

Omegacenter Gateway


Tools and Utilities + Automation


 Not Supported



Previous Vendors:

Candle Corporation



Short Description:

Communication between Candle monitors and other products


Two way communication between classic Candle products and other products. Candle products supported include Tivoli AF/Operator, Omegamon II for CICS, Omegamon II for MVS and Omegaview. Omegamon XE products are not supported. Other products supported include Tivoli NetView and Tivoli Monitoring (using Tivoli Alert Adapter for Omegacenter Gateway).

Features include:

  • Automatically perform operations when an Omegamon alert occurs. Operations include setting a Tivoli Monitoring alert, issuing a console messages or setting a NetView alert.
  • REXX language support.
  • Execute Omegacenter Gateway REXX execs from NetView
  • Execute NetView REXX execs from Omegacenter Gateway
  • Trap NetView NCCF console commands or VTAM messages from NetView
  • Create or inquire on OMEGAVIEW status items from Omegacenter Gateway
  • Send status information from OMEGAVIEW to Omegacenter Gateway
  • Trap and process CICS messages using the Omegacenter Gateway CICS Interface
  • Trap and process IMS messages using the Omegacenter Gateway IMS Interface

IBM Product ID: 5608-C04

Entry last updated: 14-Jan-2013